OGSLP Online News

ED Announces Revised Borrower Applications

On March 24, 2010, ED provided revised versions of the following applications for borrowers in the FFEL, DL and Perkins programs:

Program participants can start using the forms now. Beginning July 1, 2010, only the revised forms may be provided to borrowers. However, previous versions of the forms may continue to be processed after July 1. These forms are available on the Loan Discharge page of the Publications and Forms section of the OGSLP Web site.

Program participants are responsible for ensuring that the forms used are identical to the forms approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). No changes may be made to the forms except as expressly authorized. If you have questions about the forms, contact our Policy, Compliance and Training Department at 405.234.4432 or pct@ogslp.org.