OCAP - Oklahoma College Assistance Program, Formerly known as the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program

Do you need a reference guide for Cohort Default Rates?

Now that the U.S. Department of Education (ED) has released draft cohort default rates (CDR) for both the 2010 two-year CDR and the 2009 three-year CDR, you are likely reviewing your own school’s rates and may have a few questions.

At ocap.org, you can find more information about:

In addition to an explanation of the benefits for schools who have low CDRs and sanctions for schools that don’t (CDR Guide, 2.4), schools with a CDR equal to or greater than 30 percent must establish a default prevention task force and submit a default prevention plan to ED.

For assistance with questions about your draft CDR, contact Wayne Sparks, OCAP’s Default Prevention Manager, at 405.234.4358 or wsparks@ocap.org. If you have specific questions about default rate challenges and appeals, contact Matt McCreary, Policy Analyst, at 405.234.4296 or mmccreary@ocap.org.

Wayne Sparks
Default Prevention Manager
Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)
P.O. Box 3000 | Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000
wsparks@ocap.org | www.OCAP.org