OGSLP Online News

August 6, 2008

Making Work "Work": Resources for Busy Professionals

Multi-purpose Swiss Army Knife Go ahead, make a suggestion!
At work initiative counts, and one way to show you’ve got it is to make sound, thoughtful suggestions. Don’t be afraid to make suggestions, because the truth is that employers want employee input.

Think about it. Work is generally a set of goals and the action it takes to get those goals accomplished. There will be problems along the way, guaranteed. Suggestions can help employers solve those problems more easily, more efficiently and more economically.

You have to offer your idea with sincerity, and that means making the suggestion because you truly believe in it - not using it merely as a vehicle to get ahead. Not that there’s anything wrong with getting ahead, but others can smell self-interest in a suggestion.

Try to keep your motivation as pure as possible. Here are a few tips from 1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work, by Bob Nelson: