OGSLP Online News

Help Students Count Down to College

February is typically when students begin working on the FAFSA, which makes this the perfect time of year to talk to students, parents and counselors about preparing for college, including applying for financial aid. Partner with UCanGo2, our comprehensive college access and outreach program, to host a College Countdown event.

We offer many useful tools to make planning your event easier. Don’t forget about our instructional materials designed specifically for aid administrators, such as our UCanGo2 FAFSA 101 courses. The ‘FAFSA Fundamentals’ course provides an overview of the FAFSA’s purpose, as well as the completion and submission process. The 'Focus on the FAFSA' course offers significantly more in-depth information for students and parents, including types of aid, evaluating dependency status and the SAR. Each FAFSA 101 course package includes a PowerPoint presentation, Presenter’s Guide, recommended talking points and handouts. Updated 2011–2012 FAFSA courses will be available after the first of the year.

Interested in hosting an event? Great! Get started now by contacting the UCanGo2 team at 866.443.7420 (toll-free) or UCanGo2@ogslp.org. We’ll send you an event planning packet and give you the information you need to get started. We look forward to working with you!