Headed Your Way: FAFSA Toolkit for Counselors!
UCanGo2's FAFSA Toolkit for Counselors is in the mail and headed your way. Loaded with an abundance of tools, publications and information, this kit will help you successfully promote completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to your students and their parents. The kit includes:
- Posters for high schools and colleges
- Event planning tools
- Finish the FAFSA in Five Steps brochure
- Your Transition to College brochure
- FAFSA Facts flyer
- A companion CD
- And much more!
If you received UCanGo2's High School Kit for Counselors, you're already on the mailing list to receive the FAFSA Toolkit for Counselors and should receive a kit in the mail within two weeks. To join the mailing list, contact UCanGo2@ocap.org. You may also download kit materials at UCanGo2's Counselor FAFSA page.
Don't forget to check out UCanGo2's newest FAFSA completion tool, StartWithFAFSA.org. This interactive site allows students and parents to explore information about specific FAFSA topics, ask questions, watch FAFSA video tutorials in either English or Spanish and download publications. New topics and answers to important questions will be uploaded weekly during the FAFSA season. Share this site with your students and parents to help them understand that financial aid starts with the FAFSA!
Penny Gandy
Outreach Services Manager
Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)
P.O. Box 3000 | Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000
pgandy@ocap.org | www.OCAP.org