July 8, 2009
July 1 Provisions: PowerPoint and Resources
Our June 25 Annual Conference provided a great opportunity to learn about the CCRAA, HERA and HEOA provisions that became effective on July 1, 2009. If you weren’t able to attend this informative session, don’t worry-- the presentation, handouts and tools are provided below.
- “What Goes Together with July 1, 2009? Change!” PowerPoint presentation
- Updated interest rate poster and quick reference tool
- Handy summary of the most important provisions
- HEOA DCL GEN-08-12/FP-08-10 Trigger Dates chart
Don’t forget to check OGSLP’s Legislative News Web page for the latest information about CCRAA, HERA and HEOA provisions, or contact our Policy, Compliance and Training department at 405.234.4432 or pct@ogslp.org. We’re here to help!