OGSLP Online News

Draft Cohort Default Rate Wrong? Challenge it!

On Feb. 8, 2010, the Department of Education (ED) released the FY2008 Draft Cohort Default Rates (CDR) to all eligible schools and has transmitted electronic CDRs (eCDRs) via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG). The eCDR allows schools to receive their cohort packages instantly and electronically instead of through a courier-delivered hard copy.

Default Rate Challenges

CDR challenge timeframes begin the sixth business day after the announced transmission date for eCDR packages. This means that the 45-day timeline for schools to challenge their CDR data began Feb. 17, 2010 and ends April 2, 2010.

During the challenge time period, any school that believes its CDR contains inaccurate information may challenge it and request verification of the information and correction of any errors. Challenges of FFELP information must be sent to the guarantor responsible for managing that data within the same time period.

In addition to the challenge period with the guarantor, ED also offers an equal period for schools to challenge the participation rate index with ED’s Portfolio Performance Division. The participation rate index challenge allows schools to prevent negative consequences based on a high official CDR. This challenge is based on a low number of student borrowers, rather than a challenge of inaccurate data.

See the department’s Cohort Default Rate Guide, Part 4 – Challenges, Adjustments and Appeals for additional information and instructions on how to proceed with these challenges. ED’s Cohort Default Rate Guide Quick Reference also provides a condensed refresher of the information.

Challenges for OGSLP can be filed online by following instructions in ED’s eCDR Appeals IDC User Guide, or they may be filed in writing and sent to one of the following addresses:

U.S. Postal Service (USPS):
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Attention: Matt McCreary, Policy Analyst
P.O. Box 3000
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000

Non USPS carriers:
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Attention: Matt McCreary, Policy Analyst
421 NW 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73103

eCDR Appeal Demonstrations Available

In the March 5, 2010 Dear Colleague Letter ANN-10-07, ED announced the availability of recorded demonstrations of the FSA eCDR Appeals, Release 3.0. The demonstrations include User Registration, Preparing and Submitting an Incorrect Data Challenge (IDC) via eCDR Appeals and Reviewing and Processing an IDC for Data Managers. To open a recording, enter your name and click “View Recording.” A recording key is not required.

Cohort Analysis and Default Prevention

OGSLP considers default prevention one of the most important aspects of our services to student-borrowers. Due to the tremendous financial upheaval in the last couple of years, it’s important to help borrowers successfully repay their loans. Our Early Assistance/Default Prevention team has developed tools to help schools:

OGSLP's Cohort Analysis Service

We offer a cohort analysis service as part of our ongoing default prevention efforts. Using cohort rate data supplied by ED via the SAIG, we can identify the characteristics and trends for the groups of borrowers who are more likely to default. Identification of higher-risk borrower groups helps you prioritize activities and assign resources as you build successful default prevention programs.

OGSLP's Default Prevention School Tool (DPST)

We developed the DPST to offer a solution for schools to maximize resources when combating student loan delinquencies. Converting the existing OGSLP Delinquent Borrower by School Report (DBSR) into an interactive application, the DPST allows you to access reports and use pre-formatted letters along with a comprehensive database and search feature to help manage your CDR. DPST is an easy-to-use database offering current borrower cohort information and providing special support to focus on students who are most at risk for delinquency or default.

OGSLP's Default Prevention team is ready and able to help you reach your default prevention goals. For more information or to request a cohort comparison chart, cohort analysis or DPST demonstration, contact Wayne Sparks, OGSLP's Default Prevention Manager, at 405.234.4358, 800.247.0420 (toll-free) or wsparks@ogslp.org.