OGSLP Online News

Who's Who at OGSLP?Risa Johnson

Name: Risa Johnson
Department: Policy, Compliance and Training (PCT)
Title: Instructional Design and Training Specialist
Tenure with OGSLP: 8 months

How do your daily duties directly impact OGSLP's customers?
As an Instructional Design and Training Specialist, I provide internal training to employees of OGSLP and external training to college and university personnel in Oklahoma.

What advice would you give to someone in our industry who's new to working with student loans?
My advice to anyone working in the student loan industry is to be patient. There’s so much to learn! When you start to think you know it all, something new comes along.

What do you find most challenging about working with student loans?
Because most of the training we conduct deals with using computers effectively and developing soft skills, it’s a challenge to stay current on tenets of the student loan industry and the processes and procedures associated with OGSLP’s role.

What are some of the unique services your department provides our customers?
The training department offers many educational opportunities for our school and lender partners. Details about the trainings we offer are located on the training page of OGSLP’s Web site. Many new classes have been added, so check it out!

What are your hobbies or interests?
I like to knit, spend time with friends and relax on Sunday afternoons. I’m starting to enjoy cooking (as long as I have everything I need), and I also enjoy eating at new restaurants in the area.