March 5, 2009
FY07 Cohort Rates Released
On Feb. 9, the Department of Education (ED) distributed the FY 2007 Draft Cohort Default Rate notification packages to all eligible schools. The time period for domestic schools to challenge the data contained in the package began Feb. 18, 2009. Schools must submit challenges to the appropriate data managers within 45 days of this date.
ED also announced the availability of Release 2.1 of the Electronic Cohort Default Rate Appeals process (eCDR Appeals) for the FY 2007 draft season. This is the second year ED will use the eCDR Appeals process, which is a Web-based application. With Release 2.1, schools will once again be able to submit their Incorrect Data Challenges (IDC) electronically. In addition, ED has enhanced eCDR Appeals to improve performance and usability. For more information, visit ED's eCDR Web site.
While use of eCDR Appeals remains optional for schools, ED strongly encourages every school to participate in the electronic process. If a school submits its FY 2007 IDC electronically via eCDR Appeals, the school will be able to submit its Uncorrected Data Adjustment (UDA) and/or New Data Adjustment (NDA) electronically during the FY 2007 official cohort default rate cycle. This offers several important advantages that are further explained in question two of ED’s eCDR FAQ document.
Note: If a school submits its FY 2007 IDC manually, it will not be able to submit an electronic UDA or NDA, but will be required to continue a manual submission process for the entire FY 2007 cycle.
For more information about cohort data challenges, contact Mary Heid, Director for Policy, Compliance, and Training at 405.234.4489 or To learn more about the tools OGSLP offers to help you analyze default data, refer to our February 2009 Online News article or contact our Early Assistance Department at 800.358.5460 (toll-free) or