OCAP - Oklahoma College Assistance Program, Formerly known as the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program

Preparing High School Seniors for the FAFSA

We know you're busy this time of year, which is why we want to make it easy for you to prepare your high school seniors to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after January 1. Here are some steps you can take now to help your students get ready.

  1. Plan a College Countdown event for your seniors and their parents. UCanGo2 offers numerous resources and tools to help counselors and teachers make the event a success. We also offer a stipend of up to $1,500 to help offset event expenses.
  2. Register for an NT4CM Counselor Workshop in January or February. Representatives from the Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP) and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) will present practical tools you can use to help students complete the FAFSA, as well as information about OKcollegestart.org and Oklahoma's Promise. Oklahoma Money Matters (OKMM) will also share age-appropriate financial education tools and resources available free of charge to the families you serve.
  3. Pre-order your 2014 FAFSA Toolkit for Counselors from UCanGo2. This one-of-kind kit includes everything you need to help students successfully complete the FAFSA. It includes a PowerPoint presentation, informational brochures, answers to commonly asked FAFSA questions, posters and much more. Toolkits will be sent to counselors on the UCanGo2 mailing list in January.

The steps you take to help seniors complete the FAFSA can make a big difference as they begin the final preparations for college enrollment next fall. Call 866.443.7420 or email UCanGo2@ocap.org to learn more about College Countdown events, NT4CM Counselor Workshops and to pre-order the 2014 FAFSA Toolkit for Counselors. We're here to help!

Angela Caddell
Director for Communications, Financial Education & Outreach Services
Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)
P.O. Box 3000 | Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000
acaddell@ocap.org | www.OCAP.org