OCAP - Oklahoma College Assistance Program, Formerly known as the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program

UCanGo2’s Middle and High School Counselor Kits have been mailed!

UCanGo2 Logo The materials in these kits are designed to support your efforts to educate students and parents as they plan, prepare and pay for college. Whether you have two hours or five minutes, there’s something inside to help you educate families about preparing for college. The kits include:

If you were on our list, you should receive your kit by the end of the week. If you don’t receive your kit, please email us at UCanGo2@ocap.org so we can make sure you’re on our list and get it mailed! Remember, look to UCanGo2.org if you need a bulk supply of a worksheet or handout; we may be able to help (quantities are limited).

Feel free to share these resources with counselor colleagues, fellow teachers and administrators at your school. As a middle or high school counselor or teacher, you’re the agent of change in your local school, empowering families who never thought college was an option. What an important role you play in the lives of your students!

If you need additional information or assistance to continue growing the college-going culture in your school, call OCAP’s outreach team at 405.234.4239 or 866.443.7420 (toll free), email us at UCanGo2@ocap.org or visit us online at www.UCanGo2.org. We’re happy to consult with you about college planning events and resources, and we’re also available to teach educational workshops for your students and their families. The financial aid office at your local college or technical center can also be a great source of helpful information and materials.

Penny Gandy
Outreach Services Manager
Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)
P.O. Box 3000 | Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000
pgandy@ocap.org | www.OCAP.org