OGSLP Online News

September 3, 2008

ED and Common Industry Forms Updated to Reflect Legislative Changes

Many commonly used forms have been revised to reflect new legislation or changes in higher education policy. A review of these updates follows.

Common Industry Forms

NCHELP has revised and added several forms, including the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) Default Aversion Assistance Request (DAAR) Form and the FFELP Claim Form. These forms include various legislative, regulatory and operational changes. The forms can be accessed on our School and Lender Publications and Forms Web page.

Note: These forms became available for use beginning July 1, 2008. OGSLP will continue to accept either version of the forms. However, we strongly encourage our customers to update internal processes to accommodate the new and revised forms.

A brief summary of the form changes is provided below:

Economic Hardship Deferment Request Form

Although the current Economic Hardship Deferment (HRD) Request form does not reflect the 2008 poverty guidelines and the July 24, 2008 minimum wage increase, lenders should continue to use the form. The following information can supplement until a new form has been published.

Master Promissory Note (MPN), Addenda and Plain Language Disclosure (PLD)

The NCHELP Regulations Committee is in the process of reviewing MPNs, addenda and PLDs for required updates to reflect the reauthorization changes. Until new forms are published, schools and lenders may continue to use the current forms.

If you have questions about changes to these forms, please contact OGSLP’s Policy, Compliance and Training department at 405.234.4432 or pct@ogslp.org.