StartWithFAFSA.org Summer Recap
Now that school's back in session and we're well into the fall term, it's time to get FAFSA completion back on your radar. In case you didn't catch them the first time, here's a recap of our summer posts:
August 11: My Situation Has Changed Since I Filled Out My FAFSADo I Need To Make Updates?
July 31: Important FAFSA Notice
June 30: Adding More Schools to Receive Your FAFSA
May 28: So You Received an Award Letter. Now What?
Be sure to share these posts with your students and their parents, and remind them to follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on the latest FAFSA and college planning information. Is there a FAFSA topic you'd like us to cover? If so, use the comment box at StartWithFAFSA.org/contact-us to submit your request.
Penny Gandy
Outreach Services Manager
Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)
P.O. Box 3000 | Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000
pgandy@ocap.org | www.OCAP.org