College Access Event Scheduled Today 9/12/16
Attention counselors,
We have determined that we may have experienced a technical issue with our calendar, and we want to confirm that no scheduled events were inadvertently lost. While we are reviewing our records, please advise our office immediately if you have an event scheduled for tonight. We do not want to risk missing an event we have scheduled with any of our college access partners.
If you are hosting an event with our assistance this evening, please contact Kelli Kelnar (kkelnar@ocap.org or (405)234-4313) or Penny Gandy (pgandy@ocap.org or (405)234-4364) at your earliest opportunity.
Penny Gandy
Outreach Services Manager
Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)
P.O. Box 3000 | Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000
pgandy@ocap.org | www.OCAP.org