The 2025-26 FAFSA is now available!
Visit our Resources in Spanish page to review publications available in Spanish.
Micro-credentials help individuals adapt and succeed, equipping both students pursuing a degree and current degree-holders with specific career skillsets, competencies, and knowledge that can be readily transferred to fill critical workforce needs. Visit today!
Learn more about planning for college, personal finance education and student loan repayment with OCAP’s monthly e-newsletters.
UCanGo2 helps students and their families prepare, plan and pay for education after high school.
OKcollegestart is the official source for planning a college education in Oklahoma. The website provides free resources to help students and parents plan, apply and pay for education and training beyond high school.
Oklahoma Money Matters (OKMM) helps K-12 schools, higher education campuses, businesses and community partners develop or expand educational services that empower Oklahomans to make positive financial choices.
Ready Set Repay works with student loan borrowers and Oklahoma higher education institutions to help students make smart borrowing decisions and successfully repay their student loans.
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