:: Money Management (Oklahoma Money Matters) ::

Oklahoma Money Matters (OKMM) helps K-12 schools, higher education campuses, businesses and community partners develop or expand educational services that empower Oklahomans to make positive financial choices.Oklahoma Money Matters logo

Why is financial education part of OCAP's mission? It's simple. Every student needs to know how to manage money, make smart borrowing choices and plan for the future. Additionally, better informed citizens equipped with the knowledge they need to make smarter financial decisions contribute to the overall growth and well-being of our state.

As a division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, we strive to meet the needs of Oklahoma businesses in producing a highly trained workforce. Educating students about their finances, strengthening family budgeting skills and showing consumers how to manage their daily finances while saving for the future strengthens our economy.

What can we do for you? Whoever you are and whatever your circumstances, there's something that can help you make your dollars count on our website, OklahomaMoneyMatters.org.

High School Studentsexternal link
College Studentsexternal link
Parentsexternal link
Consumersexternal link
Campus Professionalsexternal link
K-12 Educatorsexternal link
Community Organizationsexternal link
Employersexternal link

External link icon icon indicates a link to an external website

:: Our Website Network ::

OK-CAN UCanGo2.org     

ReadySetRepay.org           OklahomaMoneyMatters.org

OKcollegestart.org      StartWithFAFSA.org