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About Us

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) is the coordinating board for all state system higher education institutions. OSRHE prescribes academic standards of higher education, determines functions and courses of study at state colleges and universities, grants degrees and approves each public college’s and university’s allocations, as well as tuition and fees within the limits set by the Oklahoma Legislature.

Oklahoma GEAR UP Preparing Oklahoma Students for College

The primary goal of GEAR UP is to ensure all students in Oklahoma are prepared to succeed in college. The GEAR UP program is built on two broad college access components: scholarship funding and early intervention initiatives.

OCAP Oklahoma College Assistance Program The Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP), an operating division of OSRHE, provides college access, aid awareness, financial literacy and student loan management programs and services that benefit students, parents, schools and community partners.

Ready Set On Track for Student Loan Success

Ready Set Repay is OCAP’s student loan management and default prevention initiative. Ready Set Repay works with student loan borrowers and Oklahoma higher education institutions to help students make smart borrowing decisions and successfully repay their student loans.

Oklahoma Money Matters

Oklahoma Money Matters (OKMM) is OCAP’s financial literacy initiative. OKMM offers information, resources and a variety of services to empower service providers and educate students, adults and families about managing personal finances, saving, consumer credit, financial aid and student loan management.

UCanGo2UCanGo2, OCAP’s college access initiative, is a comprehensive outreach program to help students plan, prepare and pay for education after high school. UCanGo2 provides free resources and services that empower educators, counselors, campus personnel and community partners to demonstrate the value of higher education, inspire confidence to support academic achievement and help families overcome barriers to educational access and success.

Contact Us

Mary Heid
Oklahoma College Assistance Program
Director for Default Prevention, Compliance and Training Services

Kristi Allison
GEAR UP School and Student Communications Specialist

Brandi Casteel
Oklahoma College Assistance Program