:: Oklahoma College App Week ::
Oklahoma College App Week is an opportunity for high school seniors, especially those who have never considered college or will be the first in their family to attend college, to receive hands-on assistance from knowledgeable volunteers while completing their application to college. College App Week happens onsite at the local high school, library or other community agency and encourages the entire community to promote college as the next step after high school. If you are planning an event, please complete this registration form to help us determine the number of schools and students who plan to participate so that we may provide the appropriate guidance and materials for your event.
College App Week 2025
College App Week materials are available for counselors to plan College App Week events.
Use the buttons below to find College App Week Resources.
2024 CAW Highlights
Oklahoma’s College Application Week (CAW) 2024 was held September 23-27. While most schools held their CAW during the "official" week, many chose another week during the fall 2024 semester to host their event to accommodate their school calendars. THANK YOU to everyone who gave your time and amazing efforts to make this year's CAW a success!
Here are some highlights from CAW 2024:
- 142 high schools, higher education institutions and tribal partners registered for the event.
- 4,053 high school seniors participated in CAW events statewide and submitted over 7,900 college applications.
- Applications were sent to 240 colleges in 42 states and Washington, D.C.
At the end of CAW, the 142 site coordinators were asked to submit an exit survey reporting the number of seniors who participated and the number of college applications submitted. They were also given the opportunity to share the various activities they used to engage their students and to make their CAW a success. Each school that submitted an exit survey was considered as a nominee for the annual Oklahoma College Application Week School of Excellence Award.
The first School of Excellence award winners were announced in the spring of 2020. So far, the winners for Oklahoma have been:
- Edmond Memorial High School, 2019
- Miami High School, 2020
- Indianola High School, 2021
- Booker T. Washington High School, Tulsa, 2022
- Bixby High School, 2023
Stay tuned! The winner of the 2024 Oklahoma College Application Week School of Excellence Award will be announced in the spring of 2025.
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