:: College Application Week Virtual Toolkit::Practice Scholarship Post

As an educator or an involved community member, you have the unique opportunity to help make a student's dream of attending college come true just by helping them complete an application to college. Start by reviewing the information below. The information will help your organization get started with a virtual College App Week and provide materials you can share with your school, students, community and families.

For many students, particularly those who do not have an immediate family member who attended college, applying to college can be overwhelming. Having someone to encourage and help them navigate the college application process can open the door for students to pursue a postsecondary education. By implementing a College Application Week (CAW) program, high schools, libraries and community centers can ensure that all seniors have the opportunity to receive hands-on assistance as they take the first big step toward continuing their education following high school.

We hope you will find the information contained in this guide useful as you implement a virtual program in your school, library or community center. If your have questions, please feel free to email us or call (405) 234-4239 or (800) 247-0420.

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College App Week virtual event coordinator materials:

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