Industry News

Outline of Regulatory Changes Effective July 1

FFELP Informational Materials Available

Revised Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Application Form

Who's Who at OGSLP?

Scholarship Opportunities

People News

We're pleased to announce that Matt McCreary joined the OGSLP team as our new Policy and Compliance Specialist. His experience in the financial aid industry will be a great resource for the agency and our customers. Welcome aboard, Matt!

Jennifer Watkins is the new Director of Financial Aid at Connors State College. Congratulations, Jennifer!

February 27 was Beverly Wilcoxon's last day at Connors State. Beverly, you'll be missed. Good luck!

Events Calendar

Contact OGSLP if there's an event you’d like us to highlight.

2008-09 State System Academic Calendar

March 13
OASFAA Financial Aid Support Staff Training
Midwest City

March 23 - 26
FSA Financial Aid Basics Workshop
Dallas, TX

April 15 - 17
OASFAA Conference
Midwest City

June 25
OGSLP Annual Conference

March 5, 2009

2010 Presidential Budget Blueprint

Stack of Coins

As you may be aware, the Obama administration recently released the president's FY 2010 budget proposal, which includes recommendations related to federal student lending. It's important to note that typically, the president's proposal is a blueprint that represents a starting point for discussion and consideration.

>> Read more about the presidential
budget proposal

ED Releases Invitation for Lenders to Participate in PLUS Loan Auction Pilot Program

Although a number of school associations, including OASFAA, have expressed concerns about the PLUS Loan Auction Pilot Program to members of Congress, the Department of Education (ED) released a March 2 Federal Register notice inviting lenders to participate.

>> Read more about the PLUS Loan Auction Pilot Program

Focus on HEOA: Unsubsidized Stafford Loans for Dependent Students

Over the past several months, OGSLP’s Online News highlighted various provisions contained in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). This month, we’re focusing on the provision that relates to unsubsidized Stafford loans for dependent students.

>> Read more about HEOA's impact on dependent students

Stimulus Package Impacts on Education

The newly passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) includes provisions designed to create and save jobs and facilitate investments, tax cuts and education reform, as well as additional funding for student aid and higher education institutions.

>> Read more about ARRA's impact on higher education

FY 2007 Draft Cohort Rates Released

FY 07

On Feb. 9, the Department of Education (ED) distributed the FY 2007 Draft Cohort Default Rate notification packages to all eligible schools. The time period for domestic schools to challenge the data contained in the package began Feb. 18, 2009.

>> Read more about the FY 2007 draft cohort rates

Mark Your Calendar for OGSLP's Annual Conference

OGSLP is excited to announce that our annual conference is right around the corner. Mark your calendar now for June 25, 2009 so you won’t miss a minute!

>> Read more about OGSLP's Annual Conference

Making Work "Work": Resources for Busy Professionals

Swiss Army Knife
Praise is in the details

>> Read tips for motivating your staff