December 10, 2009
Better Together in 2009
It's no secret that times are tough. Many Oklahoma students and families are finding it necessary to make sacrifices and it's difficult to imagine a time when the need for assistance and sound advice was more important than it is today. This holiday season, OGSLP is celebrating the opportunities we have to make higher education more accessible and help students achieve their goals. Thanks to your partnership and support, we were able to assist Oklahoma students and families in a variety of ways.
>> Read more about how we were better together in 2009
New FFEL Purchased Loans Report Available from ED
In electronic announcements posted in August and September, ED provided information about the transition to additional servicer support for purchased loans.
>> Read details about the new status report
UCanGo2 February College Countdown
We know February is typically the month students begin working on the FAFSA, which makes it the perfect time to talk to students, parents and counselors about preparing financially for college. Partner with us to host a College Countdown event!
>> Read more about our College Countdown
Exit Counseling Made Easier
Student loan borrowers are making a list and checking it twice before they graduate, transfer to another school or drop below half-time enrollment. Ensuring borrowers complete the exit counseling process is a top priority for financial aid officers.
>> Read more about simplifying exit counseling
OKMM Receives National Recognition
Oklahoma Money Matters’ Money Talks podcasts were recently featured in the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s nationally-recognized Financial Literacy Update. These bi-monthly announcements promote “best practices” financial education events, programs and resources across the country. Check out OKMM’s Money Talks podcasts and other financial literacy resources at
Making Work "Work": Resources for Busy Professionals
Want to be a more effective manager? Encourage open dialogue.
>> Read more about effective management